Share to linkedinIf you hate your company, its employees and the shareholders then go ahead and introduce the latest management fad: Hot-desking.
The theory behind this idea is that it provides companies with increased flexibility in managing office space. So any employer who demands the attendance in the office but also only offers hot-desks would seem to be talking both ways at once.Every place I’ve ever worked involves some form of on-the-job training. This should be true for everyone. It might be a brand new role for the employee, or it might be the same role but in a different company. Either way, new employees need to learn how things get done at their new employer.
That cannot happen with hot desks. You cannot even begin to know where you could find the required expertise, other than by email or via phone. However, if you have hot desks, your team could be anywhere in the building. Having impromptu meetings will be next to impossible. Those meetings you do hold will almost entirely be time-wasting affairs. Imagine inviting six people from different parts of the building for a 2-minute session. The time to get everyone assembled could, in reality, total 20 minutes. Have three such meetings in a day, and you are really starting to eat into productive work hours.
Crazy idea. If it’s not going to add any value to the company, what’s the use? Insane...
That’s insane! The greatest thinkers in the world always automate the small stuff like this. Now the employee would have one more thing to worry about.
Bring back the cubicles with dividers! They allow for more focus, privacy and less distraction.