and expand exports on both sides.ended months of leadership turmoil, the peak European business group cast doubt on the chances of a successful Brexit when Westminster could not agree on a deal."The business community has invested enormously in bringing more rationality into something we think is a very bad idea from the outset," Mr Beyrer said.
"The problem is when it becomes totally irrational and you need to ratify it to make it work," Mr Beyrer said."You know you have an agreement and you need to ratify, and then you are watching by the week and the debates are very interesting but you realise that you have no majority for anything but you have permanent majorities against everything.
"They know, or should know, that parmesan, or port wine, or Tyrolean speck – there is a real one that comes from Europe and the local products. They should be aware that there is a difference."
CroweDM Europe has been a freak show ever since the inception of the EU. The EU was meant to be purely economic and had no business dictating borderline policies to nations. EUFREAKSHOW
CroweDM That is an unhelpful satement of this so called 'leading busness group'. Care to name names?