A FRAUDSTER who stole over £437,000 from her employers and spent it on home renovations and ski holidays has been jailed.
But instead of paying them she transferred thousands of pounds into her own account or her joint one with boyfriend Lee Feeney. "The payments ranged between £1,000 and £35,000 and were made to look like legitimate payments to suppliers. "This was a fraud which required careful planning and a level of sophistication, where the defendant abused her position of responsibility."
He said: "She was in effect living in cloud cuckoo land for three to four years and convinced herself she was entitled to be paid more than her £30,000 wage due to the growth of the company so she saw the money as bonuses.
Is she related to the government and their 3 BILLION EMBEZZLEMENT of taxpayers money for scam PPE CONTRACTS AND TESTING for scamdemic coronavirus