There are two main types of carbon capture and storage: Point-source carbon capture and storage sequesters CO2 produced at the source, like a smokestack, while direct air capture removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Carbon capture technology is the “elephant in the room,” Fernando Gonzalez, chief executive of Mexico’s Cemex, said in a company presentation this month, referring to the challenges around developing the technology.The process of making iron and steel is energy- and carbon- intensive due to the use of fossil fuels like coal to power blast furnaces, and output has grown in recent years.
ArcelorMittal, one of the world’s largest steelmakers, signed a Memorandum of Understanding last year with Air Liquide, a France-based industrial gases company, to develop carbon capture technologies with the aim of producing low-carbon steel at its Dunkirk site.Until recently, capturing carbon produced by fossil fuels and injecting it underground has largely been a means to squeeze more oil from aging wells.
You've said it without knowing you said it. The CLIMATE INDUSTRY. Corporate Hubris aimed at current times to maximize gain.