Summary After House of the Dragon revived the Game of Thrones franchise, Ramsay Bolton's actor is opening up about interactions with the show's viewers. Having premiered in 2011, the show lasted eight seasons and told the story of a series of bloody civil wars in Westeros. The show featured many villains, including Walder Frey , Roose Bolton , and King Joffrey Baratheon . Few were as terrifying as Ramsay , who tormented the entire Game of Thrones cast.
People generally know that I'm an actor, I hope. Yeah, people go, "Yeah, I hate you, you b----rd," but it's always a bit tongue in cheek. I don't really get . But other people, maybe they don't speak to me , because I suppose if you really thought I was the character, you wouldn't come up to me and talk to me. Because you really don't want to talk to someone like Ramsay Bolton. It's a risky business.
Lena Headey, who played Cersei Lannister, also reported bizarre harassment. In an appearance on The Late Late Show in 2016, Headey reported that she was hassled by a nurse after Cersei's walk of atonement. After she attempted to breastfeed her child, the nurse attempted to help her release the milk, while repeating "Shame". Headey described the incident in a humorous light, but it is undoubtedly an example of viewers taking show-related issues too far.