Although she fought for her success and this sale, Corcoran still felt like "the whole thing was a fluke," as she recalled on a recent episode of her podcast"When I sold my business for $66 million and I had made it from scratch out of nothing and the whole world applauded me – written up in all the papers, 'Oh she's a genius. Oh she's this, oh she's that.
"You would stand there and say to me, 'You, Barbara, actually really believe that?' And I could honest to God on a stack of Bibles say, 'I did believe it,'" Corcoran said on her podcast.But Corcoran didn't overcome her "impostor syndrome" since then — and doesn't recommend doing so. Corcoran said self-doubt is "a human element that keeps you on the straight and narrow" on her podcast, adding that she never works with anyone who doesn't doubt themselves.