I do not have the luxury of unlimited funding for my business, and I can’t afford to fail. What prospects are there for a 46-year-old white male in this country if he isn’t able to do something for himself?
My black-owned competitors get telephone-number grants and they retrench people. Now they will get more when they already have had plenty that they haven’t had to use in their businesses. I never assume the government will help, so that way we aren’t disappointed. We will just hopefully make it through alone.Send us an e-mail with your comments. Letters of more than 300 words will be edited for length. Send your letter by e-mail to
There should be NO COLOR discrimination in this world wide pandemic. All colors and races SHOULD HAVE EQUAL BENIFITS. What type of human will do this to another to say we will help you but only if you have this. Sies man. You should be ashamed.
All strength to you Boet we are also in the same boat
BEE is a cancer
No amount of letter writing will change the minds of the black MYANC Racists, it is hard coded into their system. Only way is to hit them full on in their Racist faces.