That’s fantastic. They were a great group.. You know, I wasn’t the group. We were a great group, though. The more I listen, the more I’m amazed, because a lot of that stuff was live. You listen to theLast year you said that you’re still “very competitive.” Does that extend to the pop charts?
The Beatles changed pop music by writing their own material, but these days most pop hits are written by several songwriters. Did you get a sense of what that’s like when you worked with Kanye West? These kinds of things happened. Someone said, “You’re the publisher for this new show that’s trying out in Boston, and we’re paying them to keep it going — do you want to continue paying?” The company had signed the writers, and we were helping fund the show. And I said, “Let’s just keep going.” Well, that turned out to beused it! It’s luck. But The Beatles was luck! How did these four guys in Liverpool get to meet each other? We weren’t at the same school.
I don’t want to talk too much about it, but there’s a certain right under U.S. law where these things revert to me. [For songs written before 1978, creators can file for “copyright termination” 56 years after works were registered to get back the rights to their work in the United States, although there have been questions about how this applies to contracts originally signed in other countries.] Sony didn’t agree.
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thebeatles PaulMcCartney ...i bring light inna positive way for those who may not want to attempt to understand my vibrations ~ it’s understandable if you’re not aware of my thoughts , we all think different intellectually❤️ (zayata)
thebeatles PaulMcCartney