“You know, hot sauce basically saved my life,” said Zac Perkins, who founded High Desert Sauce Company in 2018.“That New Year’s, I had a really bad relapse,” he explained. “I almost lost everything that I had built at that point… I had to figure out what I was passionate about. 'Cause doing construction was not it.”“I was just making sauce and giving it away to people,” he told KGUN 9. “Whoever wanted some, I’d give it to ‘em. And I was getting a haircut one day.
With only a couple of other partners helping him, Perkins now makes about a dozen different sauces and sells them online. “I cried during the interview [with Hot Ones staff],” Perkins said. “Like legit, not five years prior I was a homeless drug addict. So I mean, this is every sauce maker’s dream to be featured on that table.”“I know a lot people won’t ever buy that sauce again because we had an issue with co-packer with our Hot Ones order,” he said.