good they helped cause it, they don't need to benefit from it
Oh Too bad! So sad! SaveMotherNature SenThomTillis SenatorBurr PatrickMcHenry GOP POTUS SenateMajorityL
I have lost my tiniest violin...
It's far too late. The insidious wealth redistribution scam that is human caused climate change has long since been exposed as the rantings of the priests of the Holy Church of Climate Change.
When fat ass plastic surgery face lift boy Al Gore and his face lift wife start riding bicycles everywhere I will take a look at this sham. Until then spare us your nonsense!
Maybe there is one positive outcome of climate change...
Oil companies played themselves
Wasn’t this theory debunked?
Dramatic irony of the most frustrating sort.
Well... I guess that's fortunate!
What a shame.
maybe, lots of cavemen will be discover after all the melting?
Good! They should not even fucking drill there in the first place
I wonder what they tell their workers if they can't actually agree with the facts of climate change? Worker: why aren't we working boss? Boss:
Fake news! LOL
Gonzo Capitalism must go the way of the dinosaur it still wants to profit from
That sentence doesn't make sense
Wait, wait, wait.......wouldn't this fit the definition of being hoist on their own petard?
A global issue...