The dollar will be Monopoly money by 2030. This is insane.
Bully POTUS and Wall Street jay Powell had no chance
Bang goes all fed credibility !!! Now when shit hits the fan market gets minus rates, Q4 another bubble
Sad news, gone are the days when Fed chairmen had the courage to do the right thing. Bowing to the demands of POTUS will bring down Olympus. U do not need enemies to sabotage the US economy realDonaldTrump will do their biddings by proxy.
They just want the dry powder. So when China implodes and takes the world with it they have a little more room to cut before they start buying UST again. Good policy, bad hand he was dealt.
The Fed made a mistake in not communicating properly to the market when raising interest rates while commodity prices were in decline. The Fed deserves greater respect, as they recognized their mistake and took corrective measures.
poor Jay Powell ...... its just him & stimpyz1 out there wanting 3 more hikes
And they will blame the Fed when inflation jumps back to 5% due to the Fed not having the same degree of credibility.