Sabah Matta chairman Lawrence Chin says tourism activities will ‘cease to exist” if people are prevented from travelling across districts and states.
Sabah Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents chairman Lawrence Chin said tourism activities would “cease to exist” if people were still not permitted to travel across districts and states. Ismail said attractions such as nature parks, museums and outdoor theme parks could welcome visitors and audiences once more but with strict SOPs in place.
He said Sabah only had a small domestic population base spread across the second largest state in the country.
Yeah, we are fully aware of that! But is the Pandemic under control? Is the Govt putting in place plans to reopen the economy, incl. tourism?
Yes it's time to move on
Better start slowly or full lockdown again. Focus on staycation n get SOPs right. Then sure they will open up but by bit.
Freedom is not about 'tourism' is about a God-given Right‼️
It’s not like people are not allowed or restricted to move for no apparent reason at all. But, understand where they’re coming from...😑
Great news!
The tourism allowed is just from our airport(s) to hotel lah. Dez what gomen want. Money for hotel industry n shoplots nearby them hotels good enough lah. Maybe PM MuhyiddinYassin still praying ? Or perhaps uncle IsmailSabri60 still having breakfast dgn cucu2 nya? Mehmeh baca ?