workers walking off the job, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday made the case for revamping the nation's news media system by giving reporters around the United States the resources necessary to produce high-quality journalism for the benefit of society.
"Today in America, after decades of consolidation and deregulation, some eight multinational media companies control almost all the news you watch, read, hear, and download," Sanders wrote."All across the country, corporate conglomerates and hedge fund vultures have bought and consolidated local newspapers and slashed their newsrooms—all while giving executives and shareholders big payouts.
"The American people desperately need high-quality journalism," the senator stressed."When we have had real journalism, we have seen crimes like Watergate exposed and confronted. When we have lacked real journalism, we have seen crimes like mortgage fraud go unnoticed and unpunished, leading to a devastating financial crisis that destroyed millions of Americans' lives.
Limit the number of stations that large broadcasting corporations can own in each market and nationwide; "Quality journalism is not possible when media workers are unable to earn a living wage, and when corporations prioritize profit above all else."that"more than one-fifth of the U.S. population—approximately 70 million Americans—now live in an area with little or no access to local news."
BernieSanders When BernieSanders talks about a “diverse and truly independent press…” does that diversity include different opinions and views? Because if he’s not, then that’s NOT real diversity.