Share on linkedin Cyber defenders from major American infrastructure operators spent the last two days practicing for the day hackers try to take their networks completely offline.The event was the first known cross-sector cybersecurity exercise involving utility companies, the financial sector, telecommunications firms and the U.S. government altogether.Zoom in:
Officials from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the departments of Commerce and Energy also took part. "There's relationships that are going to be long-standing after this exercise," Jason Lish, CISO at Lumen Technologies, said. For CISA, the simulation helped to reassure the agency that their work to build trust across critical infrastructure sectors is on "the right track," Eric Goldstein, the agency's executive assistant director for cybersecurity, added.: "You come up with your plans sitting behind the desk with a nice cup of coffee and over cordial discussions," Ron Green, CISO at Mastercard said.