As an alternative to the traditional mall Santa experience, a crop of new digital services and apps are offering virtual chats with Saint Nick for children around the nation. "The kids are so used to it. They FaceTime with their grandparents and they talk to everybody through video calls anyways, so this is a totally natural way for them to be able to interact with Santa," said Meredith Lueck, cofounder of Welcome Santa, a service that helps kids video chat with Santa.
As an alternative to the traditional mall Santa experience, a crop of new digital services and apps are offering virtual chats with Saint Nick for children around the nation. "The kids are so used to it. They FaceTime with their grandparents and they talk to everybody through video calls anyways, so this is a totally natural way for them to be able to interact with Santa," said Meredith Lueck, cofounder of Welcome Santa, a service that helps kids video chat with Santa.