Government plans to introduce Ofsted-style rankings for universities, with courses that produce lower salaries labelled as failing, would punish institutions outside London and threaten arts and humanities courses, worried academics are warning.
So again as education moves further towards centres of economics and away from centres of learning, we get more stupid with every year
'Alarm' ......... by a think tank what sort of degree does one need for employment in a think tank?
We have to stop measuring success through the lens of neoliberalism: I did everything right yet I’m poor and suicidal because our culture and education system does not make successful humans who are happy.
Could be a good move, if the primary focus is to compare specific courses, or departments, by institution, and weighted by the average A-level grades of the intake and local conditions. A BBB student earning £80k in Leeds beats a AAA student on £100k in London etc..
Tory government aiming to decrease social mobility even more. Universities with a majority of disadvantaged students will lose out on resources to universities for students born into wealth with automatically high earnings.
Schools that graduate more doctors & teachers will be ranked lower than schools who produce more traders?
Splendid idea, that will perhaps focus minds on useful degree subjects.