My stay of execution will be that I teach at one of the For the first time, we'll see a sustained drop in applications at four-year universities. As Amazon comes out of the crisis with more momentum than it entered, the schools they recruit at will break from the cartel and maintain their economic might via endowments and increases in revenue streams, thanks to digital platforms. Amazon, the largest recruiter from my class, will become the largest employer of college grads in the US.
for e-commerce in Asia, and it helped Alibaba break out into the consumer space. COVID-19 could be to education in the United States what SARS was to e-commerce in Asia. or stand-alone education start-ups will be the big winners. They won't. Why won't MasterClass be a disruptor long-term? Because MasterClass sucks. Young people don't gain value learning from celebrities, but from teachers, who can give them the skills to become celebrities.
We'll smooth out the curve of learning — more older students, fewer younger. Kids, unprepared for the world via a mix of social media and bulldozer parenting, are being dumped at campuses across America. More kids will not attend school right away, and more adults in their thirties and forties will return.
profgalloway Is this the bozo they keeps predicting the demise of Tesla?