Australian Julia Mellor is normally surrounded by students in a brewing lab in central Seoul.
Ms Mellor is now making videos of her courses to put online and hopes the free and paid content she’s generating will revitalise the company. So instead, she’s concentrating on her online lessons, for beginners and the more advanced, and hope while others are spending more time indoors, they’ll sign up.
While moving your work online is one way to try and get by, it’s not an option for many small businesses. Mr Lee says the government has helped with various tax cuts, loans and incentives for property owners to lower rent, but the outlook is still bleak for many, and Mr Lee says there’s still a big hole in the country’s economy with limited international travel.
“Until we see that easing, I think it will be difficult to see business levels return to a level that they need to be sustainable going into the future.”Still, he says he’s behind the government’s response and believes it will lower the alert level soon.