wearied and exasperated
In his decision, he accepted T-Mobile at its own level of self-esteem. He labeled the company an “undeniably successful ... maverick that has spurred the two largest players in its industry [that is, Verizon and AT&T] to make numerous pro-consumer changes,” and waved the deal through.on March 11 as part of a settlement of the state’s lawsuit to which T-Mobile agreed.Yet the merger arguably violated California law the moment it was completed on April 1.
Say this for Politico and the daily Playbook emails it blasts out to a large circle of Washington opinion makers and their ilk: They make it easy to keep track of the latest lobbying balderdash put out by big corporations. In any event, the company says in its motion that the mandate is “particularly burdensome and unjustified in light of the current COVID-19 crisis.” It doesn’t say why that would be so, other than mentioning “the major consequences” the crisis has had on the economy thus far and could have on T-Mobile in the future.The company also says it stands by its commitment to be “jobs positive” in California, meaning it will maintain employment at least at the combined pre-merger levels.
hiltzikm Will that excuse be acceptable coming from T-mobile customers who can't pay their bills?
hiltzikm Greed is something ugly.
hiltzikm 💩💩💩💩💩💩
LoL well duh what did you think was gonna happen.
Cc: MikeSievert JohnLegere