The Wits University School of Accountancy has created a first-of-its-kind, postgraduate programme to address this immediate skills shortage and get you ready for the competitive job market. Wits senior lecturer Irfaan Omarjee says that where students don’t have access to appropriate computing devices, there is a mobile computing bank where they can loan basic gadgets and equipment.
The recognition of how current and past circumstances affect students means Wits always reflects and intervenes to counter social, economic, political and cultural pressures. The university has worked hard to redress the inequalities and injustices imposed on South Africans because of apartheid. This has helped cement Wits as the leading contributor of black accountants to the SA business landscape with a firm foundation for the world of work.
The programme is designed to include two core courses and two elective courses where the syllabus and learning objectives prepare you for the ACCA professional level exams. The core courses include strategic business leader and strategic business reporting while the elective courses include advanced taxation, advanced performance management and advanced audit and assurance. The diploma is offered on a full-time and part-time programme.