, publishing data that shows worldwide activities were up by 24 percent.
when shutdowns began spreading like wildfire. “We got the sense pretty early that this wasn’t going to be a short pause,” said Cole. “Wanting to be proactive, we canceled races and offered free deferrals, trying to not leave racers in limbo. The entire events community started thinking virtual almost overnight.”
. “During the final few miles of a virtual marathon I did, knowing others were out suffering at the same moment, helped to suppress negative thoughts that can lead to a DNF or lower performance.”, most race directors followed suit, moving from analog to digital. Nutrition brands, recognizing that the old model of putting an emphasis on events and aid stations wouldn’t be in the cards for a while, hopped on-board.
“With races canceled and running stores closing so fast, we had to shift online, quickly testing ways to support athletes on platforms like Zwift and Strava,” said Elliot Freeman, Vice President at, “But entering this scene has been a learning process. We had to do our homework as fast as we could.”
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