An employer who employs more than 50 employees must submit a record of its risk assessment, as well as a Covid-19 health and safety policy, to the Department of Employment and Labour by 22 October.An employer who employs more than 50 employees must also now submit a weekly report on a number of issues to the National Institute for Occupational Health.
The employers must closely monitor the worker for symptoms on return to work, and the workers must wear a surgical mask for 21 days from the date of diagnosis, the new rules state.If a worker has been in contact in the workplace with another worker who has been diagnosed with Covid-19, the employer must assess that worker's exposureto determine whether there was a high or low risk of transmission between the workers.
Health workers must only remain in quarantine for 7 days in case of a high-risk exposure - or with the agreement of the worker, 5 days. There are more details about the dispute resolution process for employees who refuse to work.
BISouthAfrica So many reports to submit... No one to read them or care.