the home was sold at fair market value and that the lender appraisal confirmed that, however, Samer Kuraishi, who leads a real estate agency in D.C., asserted that appraisals are completed after a price is agreed upon and typically are “engineered to match the sales price.”
If the home was purchased above fair market value, then the difference would be considered a gift, and U.S. senators are required by law to publicly disclose gifts of significant value, which Perdue reportedly did not do in this case.out of the banking committee that would have required the group to establish a fund to compensate investors bilked by brokers.
of the watchdog group Public Citizen. “Since the purchase and sale of this property by Sen. Perdue was not done on the open market, it raises serious suspicions as to whether the sale was in fact at fair market value.”
sendavidperdue is a crook. gapol gasen