If it means no bail outs or bail ins then there is no other way
Entregar tu dinero (días, meses años de trabajo y esfuerzo) a un banco digital para que lo Invierta en monedas (billetes etc.) digitales que no tienen respaldo (oro, plata etc) parece una locura.
Yep. Middlemen are the opposite of efficient.
Que entren en razón y no sigan exprimiendo los frutos del trabajo de quién ahorra
Yes, not with digital currency though.
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Un imaginable
My father worked in university, my mother is school teacher, they are well educated people, I was bullied like in hell in 1991-1998, seriously injured almost every year, people in Taiwan bothered, harassed me and my old father, use us against Mainland China, benefits themselves.
The truth is Taiwanese abused me and my father, treat me as trash can, beat me as their will, kept me away from education and fortune, pay me less than average salary, they raped my mother, stole my father’s pension, Taiwan people are murders, robbers, thieves.