, Oracle, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and many others – have made Texas the state of choice when it comes to relocating headquarters and opening satellite offices for several years now.
But let's discuss something that may boggle some minds — at least for those who are out-of-state looking in.
Like many other tech executives, I think Texas is positioned to outpace California due to its proximity to the world's top companies in energy, healthcare, and aerospace, to name a few, and its willingness to innovate with technology in those industries.
Why would anyone pitch Texas now? It is back to the middle ages there
You must not worry about racism, equality and fairness. If you did, you’d never be in Texas or invest there, especially as an Asian immigrant. You only care about money and what you can personally gain.
Don't click the link. The tech industry is packing up and heading to Texas for the same reason why American companies use foreign sweat shops: Low taxes, cheap labor, and non-existent labor laws. Yang Tang is a despicable parasite.
HariGanga9 Seems like a really greedy and crappy human being to me. It would be a real shame if he got coronavirus.
It's because businesses in Texas pay lower taxes than the people in Texas. That's why businesses are moving there. No other reason.
To flip Texas blue that’s why.