“We have untapped natural resources, a skilled labor force, and a government that supports investors with favorable national policies and incentives. We will be open to producing more and exporting more,” Mr. Dar said at aThe crops subsector makes up nearly 60% of agricultural gross value added, led by banana, sugarcane, and mango.
Mr. Dar said that mango was an “untapped product with promising export and investment opportunities.”“Our country’s coconut farmers are among the best in Southeast Asia, leading the world with the export of coconut products. We now have globally competitive processing technologies to power our production and exports with high-quality products,” he said.
“For pineapple, there is ample room for investment in planting materials, post-harvest facilities and technology. Overall, the potential value of our pineapple exports can hit up to $881 million,” he added.“Our waters are also home to an astonishing abundance of wildlife, including tuna. In fact, there are a lot of investment opportunities in tuna management,” he said.
“We can earn much more with sufficient investment in infrastructure and packaging technology,” he added.“There are promising investment opportunities in infrastructure and technology in New Clark City, a nascent economic zone. We are expanding to renewable energy and solar irrigation, tapping into role of agri eco-tourism. Our policies allow investors excellent returns for food packaging and warehouses,” he said.