Effat University, a women’s university in Jeddah, has been offering a degree program in cinematic arts that has graduated more than 150 women since 2013. “Prior to the opening of cinemas, women were joining the program solely for their love for cinema,” says Mohamed Ghazala, chair of the program. While only four years ago, graduates had limited options , opportunities for aspiring filmmakers are now abundant.
“A new wave of female storytellers are now telling personal stories of [what transpires] inside the house.” “I am interested in complex personalities, nuanced characters, and films that explore the psyche,” she adds. Al Habib also hopes to bring biographical stories of female heroes and warriors of the Islamic and Arab world to the big screen.
“Sometimes there is a risk of fetishizing our causes,” she says. “We are normal people and problems exist everywhere. I look for real stories.” The show has a universal appeal, but it is uniquely Saudi in that the vibrant, portside city of Jeddah plays a main role in the film.
Kyiv You are my heart Don't fall I am weeping The drops dripping My heart is broken