Vikram Davé and Anaita Sarkar are sitting at their dining room table sorting through a pile of brightly coloured mailers. No ordinary soft covers - these break down in the compost bin. “When you do chop them up and put them into your home compost bin, they break down with no toxic residue in under 120 days,” says Vikram, 37.
It is estimated that Australians discard 2.5 million tonnes of plastic packaging each year and of that 130,000 tonnes escapes into our marine environment. “Masks are a risk to wildlife. There are instances of wildlife getting tangled in the straps. And once masks enter the marine environment, they can be mistaken as food and cause a lot of devastation,” says Ms Kiernan.
“It is a tragedy that has contributed to an already massive environmental problem,” says David Ritter, CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific. Anaita arrived in Australia with her parents from India in 1990 as a three-year-old. Her mother, a qualified GP, had to retrain in medicine before being allowed to practise.
They forgot IT.