limiting beliefs, Weber now enjoys a new lifestyle far above the poverty line without guilt. She believes that you can too, and the best and fastest way to build wealth for yourself is through building a business. Weber helps other women business owners to develop their businesses and create wealth for themselves.
Now Weber shares her most valuable asset – to think like a lawyer – with her coaching clients. Knowing that many carry the work ethic that you must work hard to earn money, Weber knows that the secret is you to work smarter. She leads with working smarter in her own business and teaches her clients how to do the same.1. A life of abundance is a choice and can be created
Everything in life is a result of decisions. Weber feels that when you want something strong enough, you can find a way to it. For example, although she was poor, she became a lawyer against the odds.Small goals result in little wealth. You are encouraged to dream big, lofty goals and to pursue them. Pursuing these goals take courage, so step into action and do it.When you are aligned with your life’s purpose and earn much money, you do an injustice to cap your wealth.
The bottom line is that when you are not aware of any money mindset issues you may be carrying, you are limiting your business. You need to overcome limiting beliefs and see how the world opens with the opportunities that wealth can bring you. Weber goes by the life mantra to pursue the impossible and encourages others to do this. She was the girl who beat the odds, and she believes that you can too.