, her upcoming limited series for Netflix.
Set over the course of one night, the eight-episode series follows high school senior Erika Vu , who’s lived her life safely under the radar. With the clock winding down on her high school experience, she -- with the help of her best friend, Gia -- seizes the opportunity to change her narrative and start living an epic life, only to find out the next morning… she’s a motherf**king ghost following a shocking accident," according to the synopsis.
With the unexpected change in mortality status, Erika finds herself with a renewed purpose to do the things she never thought she'd ever be capable of doing. As she also learns, she's stuck in purgatory as a ghost because she's got some"unfinished business in her mortal life." But Erika discovers that she may not have to die, telling her BFF:"I can stick around if I'm more famous in death than in life.
Things get chaotic fast when your existence depends on whether you're able to beat time, quite literally. Watch the wild trailer forET recently spoke with Condor at the MTV Movie & TV Awards earlier this month about her new series.