Spokesperson for the Eastern Cape Community Safety Unathi Binqose says, “The government as a whole has agreed to accede to their wishes of having that mass funeral taking place right here in Scenery Park, to say goodbye, to say our final farewell to these 21 young lives in one funeral service. And of course, they’ll be allowed time to do the actual burial of their loved ones, in their separate places as they wish.
”Meanwhile, the Buffalo City metro has confirmed that it has launched an investigation into the tavern as to whether the structure complied with safety regulations, and how it had been built in a place zoned as a residential area.“We are still left confused, that’s why we took a march on Friday, to go to these various authorities and institutions to tell us what were the findings, as to what had happened there.
Killed, how? Why is it taking so long to find out what they died from? 😕 8 days and still nobody any the wiser CyrilRamaphosa PresidencyZA where are the answers?
How long does it take to do a toxicology report in South Africa ?