California will impose first-of-its-kind requirements on social media companies to publish their policies for removing disturbing content including hate speech, with details on how and when they remove that content, under a bill signed into law by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.
A coalition of the bill's opponents have said companies already have to make their content moderation policies public, and objected to the bill's requirement that these companies to disclose sensitive information to the state attorney general. Opponents include the California Chamber of Commerce, Computer and Communications Industry Association, Consumer Technology Association, Internet Coalition, Netchoice and TechNet.
The bill's author, Democratic Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, said the measure includes the world's most stringent transparency requirements for companies like Facebook and Instagram to disclose in detail how they remove content including hate speech, disinformation, extremism, harassment, and foreign political interference.
NormaJTorres Please don’t vote for Norma Soros Torres
NormaJTorres Vieja hipocrita
Díganle a esta vieja metida que lo de El Salvador es de nosotros de la mayoría NormaJTorres y eso de que se congresista de EEUU eso nos vale madre