Similar to personal credit cards, business cards provide numerous travel and purchase protections. This may include no foreign transaction fees, cell phone protection, purchase and extended warranty protection, trip cancellation or interruption insurance and auto rental damage collision waivers.
All Capital One business credit cards offer no foreign transaction fees, auto rental damage collision waivers, travel and emergency assistance services, purchase security and extended warranty protection.offers coverage up to $600 per claim against covered theft or damage for you and your employees listed on your monthly cell phone bill when you pay it with your Ink Business Preferred℠ Credit Card.
Amex business cards allow you to review a year-end summary and send transactions to Quickbooks on a daily basis, after enrollment. Capital One business cards provide an easy view of recurring transactions, a year-end summary and the ability to download purchase records into Quicken, QuickBooks and Excel. Chase business cards offer quarterly reports and integration with bookkeeping software to simplify accounting.