Just when will President Cyril Ramaphosa acknowledge that SAA, and similarly Eskom, Denel and most state-owned entities , have been so looted by the ANC that they are unfixable? Under no circumstances should any more public money and/or state guarantees be poured down that drain. .
Les Matuson’s purported “business rescue” plan for SAA is a non-starter. What investor in his right mind would participate in any so-called “privatisation”, just to have ANC cadres breathing down his neck? SA has numerous higher priorities than a national airline, or an antiquated coal-based electricity grid, or an arms industry that colludes with Saudi Arabian andWhen he came to office in 1934, US president Franklin D Roosevelt faced down a coup d’etat planned by Wall Street bankers.
FDR also famously told Americans “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself!” Take courage, Mr President; two years after you came to office we are still awaiting sight of your “first 100 days” strategy. That courage would include putting SAA, Eskom and Denel into bankruptcy.Send us an e-mail with your comments. Letters of more than 300 words will be edited for length. Send your letter by e-mail to