The new year should bring a boost to clean energy stocks, according to Raymond James. Despite solid underlying fundamentals, the sector had a dismal 2022 — the worst since the global financial crisis, analyst Pavel Molchanov said in a note Wednesday. The WilderHill Clean Energy Index lost 46% last year, he pointed out. Yet Raymond James is forecasting a 30% to 40% gain for the index this year.
Therefore, this idea is for those who have a high degree of risk tolerance, he said. "To be clear, we are not predicting that the stock will get back to its pre-Howden highs anytime soon. But we are of the view that the worst is in the rearview mirror. The financing package — a combination of secured and unsecured debt, and preferred and common equity — is locked in, so we no longer have to ponder what the cost of capital will be," Molchanov wrote.
Renewables (Intermittent energy) : The BidenAdministration has set aside hundreds of billions to inflate prices in this sector. None of which is slotted to repay fools who get wiped out by bankruptcies. tt:lizpeek berthacoombs