HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Another prophet of economic doom.
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Lol I can't believe people still let this guy come on. Wasnt he suppose to quit from his last wrong call?
MichelleMakori HarryDentjr In September last year it was said the same here on this „news channel“
MichelleMakori HarryDentjr Michelle it looks like your interview with Hazza was a couple of weeks before Danii’s
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Way to stretch that timeline, Harry. That way, when the time comes not many people will remember how wrong you were!!!
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori This guy wants to make sure you stay poor
BitcoinAsHope HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Well, she's not buying it! And she is one classy lady. WB!
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Pepperidge farm remembers ...
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Lol eventually harry will be right
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Harry the perma bear on fire
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Every year there’s gonna be a crash
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Has he ever been right with his predictions?
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori Another prophet of economic doom! davidlin_TV
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori A doomsday prophet at his best. 🤣
HarryDentjr MichelleMakori This guy has been NON STOP wrong……fear sells people…….