By Bhavana KunkalikarMay 10 2023 In a recent study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, researchers in the United States explored the challenges and strategies facing the food service industry in reducing sodium content.
Perspective: Challenges and Strategies to Reduce the Sodium Content of Foods by the Food Service Industry. Image Credit: Evan Lorne / Shutterstock Large food service operations may have trouble finding enough low-sodium food to meet demand. Bread and bread products are a common FAFH because people eat them with all items ranging from burgers and chicken sandwiches to pizza and breakfast sandwiches, and they're also delicious when eaten alone. The results of a number of studies demonstrate that a reduction in the sodium content could be up to without considerably affecting consumer acceptability.
Some examples of taste enhancers are glutamates, herbs and spices, amino acids/peptides, and umami substances. Bread, sauces, condiments, meats, savory snacks, and mixed dishes can all likely have their salt content reduced with the help of flavor enhancers.One tactic for making lower-sodium menus is to teach and educate the culinary staff used by food service establishments to create such dishes.