"I got stung in the face three times last week.""I feed them. That’s what all these jars are on top. It’s a 1 to 1 sugar mixture. That will help them build the wax they need so they can go out and get nectar from the flowers.”“A queen, on average, in the summertime, can lay 1,500 eggs a day. The queen has a longer body than the workers. The drones, or the boys, have a broader base and large eyes.
Stacy says the best time to collect the honey is July. They use the honey to make all kinds of things, creamed honey, skin care products, lip balms, candles, and more.Stacy has a true appreciation for what these insects do. “They are active creatures that work together. They are really smart. Without bees, if all the bees died, humans would only be able to live about seven years. We need them as pollinators.”Along with bee removal services, and bee honey products, Stacy also has a nonprofit educating people about the importance of bees.