To make a long story short, in the mid-‘90s, Kreischer went on a Florida St. class trip to Russia, and the hard partier was forced to rob a train full of passengers by the Russian mob. So, the film, set 20 years later, is about a newly emerged crime family that has long sought revenge against the fictional Bert for stealing a family heirloom on that train, resulting in the abduction of him and his father Albert , and subsequent return to the scene of the crime in Russia.
“Well, that does give you pause, but the reason why I was concerned was disproven right away. Bert is nothing if not authentic,” Hamill tells. “What you see with Bert is what you get. He’s got this exuberance, this larger-than-life quality, and he just has fun every moment. So that’s all real, and he was just being himself on camera. So I thought he did a great job.”