ave three teenagers and shop every 10 to 12 days, and my cart is full to the brim every time I’m stopped every single trip, sometimes multiple times, with comments such as: “Got a full load there!” “How many kids do you feed?” “Hope you have a deep freezer!” “What is your bill for all that?” “How often do you shop?” “Are you one of those monthly shoppers?”What are your thoughts on this? I’m not really bothered by it, and I even expect it now, even though I would never ask someone questions...
GENTLE READER: It is a good thing you are not bothered by this, considering the volatile state of people out shopping for groceries nowadays At least these shoppers are only making inane remarks There is no cure for that, Miss Manners is sorry to say, but the only acknowledgment it requires is a weak smile as you accelerate down the aisle