A gas company has started exploratory work on a Northern Territory cattle property despite opposition from the station's pastoralists and some traditional owners against fracking.Station owners and some traditional owners are opposed to frackingGas company Sweetpea began preparatory works for fracking at Tanumbirini Station last week.
"Sweetpea intends to take all reasonable precautions in ensuring that its intended access to Tanumbirini Station proceeds unhindered," Sweetpea's lawyers Squire Patton Boggs said. Tamboran Resources vice-president of operations and external affairs David Close said all work done through his company's subsiduary Sweetpea had been approved through the company's environmental management plan.
This article doesn't quite add up to me. There is already a fracking well on Tanumbirini Station managed by Santos & Easternwell. I know because I worked there as a contract placement chef. (Wish I hadn't).
Do people realise that one of the biggest investors in beetaloo basin is one of Putins closest and most trusted oligarch insiders
Climate Deniers INC
It fair to say that for the most part, the environment does not care for . Clearly Australians in general do not give a shit about the environment if they did. This shit would not be happening.
Great so we do all this so Japanese can pay less for our gas than Australians do.
Tell them to frack off
not good.