CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The city of Cleveland will step away from day-to-day management of the historic West Side Market, and will establish a new nonprofit to oversee future operations.
McCormack said he was “thrilled” with the change, describing the market as a “critically important anchor institution” for the region. That process will address which types of merchants ought to be in the building, how the market stalls ought to be laid out, as well as facility infrastructure, finances, and programming. Jessica Trivisonno, Bibb’s senior market strategist, will oversee the planning with Market Ventures Inc., a Portland, Maine-based firm that specializes in public markets and farmers’ markets.
The creation of the nonprofit and the master planning process will involve input from customer surveys, focus groups, and an advisory committee comprised of vendors, government officials, community members and others, the release states. It also allows for flexibility in contracting, staffing and other needs, which can get cumbersome under the current city management structure.