As ever, there must have been a lot to catch up on – the potentially historic merger of the Murdoch family’s two companies, Fox Corp and News Corp;or what the new government has on the agenda.
While we’re confident the room was filled with whispers about the former News Corp golden boy, we’re sure those in the know will keep their lips sealed. After all, it’s a sure way to get an invite for next year’s Christmas rendez-vouz.
Name one person there that isn’t a rude pig with no empathy and cares only for themselves? NONE put a fence around it and lock them in and the world would be a better place
Assholes, assemble.
'Sydney home of media scion Lachlan Murdoch and his wife Sarah'- where is this place?
I know what political party those politicians came from and EXACTLY what sycophant media platforms were there Murdochtrash corruption auspol
I say we tax every last one of them out of existence