Former Marvel Animation, Saban Entertainment and Fox Family Productions boss Eric S. Rollman is leading the project, which is in development and will launch in Cannes in October. The industry veteran launched his company, Rollman Entertainment, in 2010.will follow the story of a young Roman arch, Arky, who embarks on a high-stakes journey across the planet Tredi and uncover his true purpose while saving the world from devastation.
“Our primary objective with the Inanimatti is to create a universe of imagination based, of all things, on how car designers see the world as full of buildings and things that are alive,” said Bangle. “We hope to encourage kids to see the world around them in a new and imaginative way, fostering a deeper appreciation for design and creativity, as well as teaching them the importance of accepting diversity and change in others as well as within themselves.
Bangle’s company CBA launched in 2009. As Managing Director, he leads a team of marketers, engineers, production technicians and designers, who create designs for clients spanning luxury goods, home electronics, superyachts and automotive design.