“We do enjoy the cows and it is very much a joint effort between myself and Scott, who used to farm with sheep with his uncle in Skegness and his father manages a farm in Nottinghamshire, so Scott already had some knowledge on that side.
“It was friends of ours Emma Metcalfe and Andrew Lines of Penistone who gave us the two Clun Forest tups. The Clun is that bit different. It’s bigger and produces good sized lambs. We had 40 but we’re now down to just eight as we sold them into the meat market. Those that remain we’ll keep for us, for family and friends for over Christmas.
Ryan and Scott have only been farming in their own right for just over a year, and it is very much an add-on to their main enterprise of kennels, cattery and XXXXXXX but Ryan has a simple logic to how it compares with keeping and raising other animals. “Foaling a horse, lambing a ewe, calving a cow is all the similar kind of environment. We’re not trying to do much more than providing nice produce for ourselves, friends and family. We’re not about to become rich out of it. We just want to enjoy having livestock and eating well.