This Author Got Very Honest About How Much They've Made On Their Bestselling Book, And The Numbers Are Kind Of ShockingHow many books do you think you'd have to sell to get on a bestsellers list? And how much do you think you get paid once your book lands there? Before bestselling author Sim Kern revealed how much they've made from their book, I would have guessed you'd need to sell at least a million copies, resulting in a Scrooge McDuck-esque pile of money.
Next, they get into the whole bestseller list thing, explaining that their book placed on the USA Today bestseller list."In the first week that it was available in stores, all the preorders combined, plus all the books that sold that week, made it hit the bestseller list. This was the USA Today bestseller list, which ranks the 150 bestselling books.""New York Times only does 10. USA Today does 150.
Sim closes out the video by talking about how though they're grateful to have a bestseller, they have to acknowledge how unsustainable the life of a writer is without support ."I could not possibly do this if my spouse wasn't an engineer. We kind of had this little trade off where I put him through engineering school back when I was a teacher. Now he's an engineer and he's subsidizing my writing career which is fantastic.