Equal Protection Project Files Brief Opposing Black-Business-Only Grant Program in “Roberts v. Progressive” Appeal
This Order is erroneous because a plaintiff denied the right to apply for a grant program based solely on his skin color, 281 F.3d 516 , sort of says that, but what it really says is thatreally doesn’t apply to a case like this. . at 20. Where, the Court explained, it is undisputed that a “discrete” decision would have come out the same way regardless of the application of a race-based criterion, “there is no cognizable injury warranting relief.”, 304 F.3d 110 , in which plaintiff’s application for appointment to the police academy was so poor that, 508 U.S. 656, 666 .
Progressive sells insurance, including commercial auto insurance. Progressive also engages in various philanthropic activities, including funding grants that support small businesses. In 2023, via the Grant Program, Progressive offered $25,000 grants to ten Black-owned small businesses. It did so because ultiple studies have shown how. Progressive thus determined to donate funds to alleviate this challenge.