California lawmakers to meet, eye big oil's high gas prices

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Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has also called lawmakers into a special session for Monday to begin work on a proposed penalty for oil companies when their profits surpass a certain threshold.

California lawmakers are preparing to return to work for a special session on gas prices. State lawmakers are scheduled to convene on Monday to swear in new members and elect leaders for the 2023 legislative session.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has also called lawmakers into a special session on that same day to begin work on a proposed penalty for oil companies when their profits surpass a certain threshold. The proposal likely won't be debated until January. More than a quarter of the Legislature's 120 lawmakers could be new members following the November elections, depending on the outcome of some close races.© 2022 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Please enter email address to continue


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You should eye your states higher-than-the-national-average gas tax.

Yo gava gava how about you repeal the gas tax period

California needs to crack down on corporations Full stop

The oil companies will just pass the tax onto us geniuses.

Suspend the gas tax

They have made billions while Americans pay the price. Can’t wait to see the USA all electric and oil companies go under once and for all!

Biden actually said he would shut down Big Oil and transition to electric everything. Can’t blame them for taking profits when the President says he’s attacking the oil industry. Gavin’s fault too for the massive taxes on gas.

Now do the gas tax!

Gavin is gaslighting all of us. Wake up and see what a fraud this guy is.

Good go after those weasels.

Gav could lower the CA taxes on gas

GavinNewsom Please make all gas in California under $5.00 per gallon ASAP

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