Janelle Monáe Wants To 'Redefine' What Young Black Women Look Like In The Music Industry

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.JanelleMonae on owning her identity: 'I have to talk about my sexuality. I have to talk about my blackness. I have to talk about my womanness (...) This is who I am as a person'

a day before its release. "I don't look at myself as just an actor or a musician," she revealed."I am an artist, and I have a responsibility to tell the truth. I use different mediums, but it's all storytelling to me."But this intense feeling of responsibility didn't come about on its own. In fact, it was largely sparked by attending church with her family.

These days, Monáe completely embraces every facet of who she is; but even that doesn't come without its challenges. For her, wholeheartedly loving the things that make her different is something she has to choose to do every day when she wakes up."Embracing your uniqueness is an active choice," she said."I don't wake up looking flawless every morning. I don't wake up feeling empowered. I don't wake up feeling fearless.

And the things that used to make her feel small? Well, they don't bother her anymore."... if I walk in [a room] and I'm the only black woman in a room of white folks and they are making decisions, there is a power dynamic there where I feel like I may have to assert myself more, or I may be a little uncomfortable, depending on what's on the table for me to own," she said.


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JanelleMonae Pity the music has becom dull and commercial

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