Stats SA has appealed to all communities to register before the end of January for the online count via the data-free registration website –The digital Census was introduced to help ensure everyone is counted, while avoiding in-person contact due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Government outlines its readiness for Census 2022At least 165 000 field workers will be deployed across the country to count everyone within the borders of South Africa.
Statistics SA says it will give respondents the option to complete the census questionnaire with or without the assistance of a fieldworker. It will further allow respondents to access the census questionnaire remotely, enabling Stats SA to reach people in all areas. Stats SA says the reason for a housing and population census is to assist government in planning better. In that way, it is better able to provide for its citizens’ needs.
Data collected during a census is used for planning, policy formulation and evidence-based decision-making, while the results are also the basis for budget allocations across local, provincial and national government.
Technical Glitch for online registration re mobile no. If they can't get it right people (like me) are going to give up. What's the point anyway - we have wide open borders.....
How acurate will this count be? There are undocumented foreign citizens, possible double count with people on job migratory residence. The proposed multi input system might also result in some double count.
Sophie_Mokoena These 🚪 door to door visits I hope 🙏 they won't open a door to criminality